國立雲林科技大學 設計學研究所博士 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology. Graduate School of Design , Master & Doctor. Ph.D
互動展示設計研究、使用性評估、數位音樂與影像研究、設計思考與認知 Interactive display design research, usability assessment, digital music and video research, design thinking and cognition
Li-Shu Lu, Yu-Fan Ho,(2015), A Study on the Factors of Interactive scenario design on ecotourism for active ageing, Sociology and Anthropology, Vol 3(1), pp. 19-23. DOI: 10.13189/sa.2015.030103.
Lu, Li-Shu , Guan, Shing-Sheng , Chang, Wen-shan , Huang, Ching-Chun, (2013), A Study on the Curriculum Structure and Industry Needs for Digital Media Design Education in Taiwan , Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol.83, pp. 895 – 899, ISSN: 1877-0428.
Shing-Sheng Guan, Li-Shu Lu, (2012), A Study on Curriculum Structure and Industry Requirement of Design Education in Taiwan, International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, Vol.03, Issue.03, pp.27-37, ISSN: 1309-6249.
Li-Shu Lu, Shing-Sheng Guan, (2011), A Study on Difference between Case-Based Instruction and Didactic Instruction about Student’s Works Performance of the Exhibition Design, Japanese Society for the Science of Design(JSSD), Vol.58, No.2, pp.75-84, ISSN: 0910-8173.
Pung-Yu Chen, Li-Shu Lu. (2016, April). Research of Users’Emotional Responses to Interactive Advertisements in Waiting Space. The Seven Asian Conference on the Social Sciences. Kobe, Japan. (06/11)
Chengping Mao, Li-Shu Lu. (2016, April). The Orchestration of Movement - Using The Current Soundscape Conditions of Taiwan’s Metro System as an Example. The Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities 2016. Kobe, Japan. (04/09)
Yi-Wun Lin, Li-Shu Lu. (2016, April). Aesthetics of villages: Analysis of Related Cases in Combination of Art and Living. In Nattapong Yamcharoen (Chair), Arts & Humanities: Communities, Culture & the Arts. Symposium conducted at the meetingof The International Acabemic Forum , Kobe, Japan. (04/09)
Guan-Yuan Huan, Li-Shu Lu (2016, April). The Investigation Research of the Group of Active Aging with Experiencing the High-Tech Eco-Travel Interactive Situation. Thomas Tabery (Chair), Arts & Humanities: Communities, Culture & the Arts. Symposium conducted at the meeting of The International Acabemic Forum , Kobe, Japan.
Li-Shu Lu, Yi-Jung Li.(2015, October). Research on Experiential Interactive Scenario Design for the Active Aging Groups’ Ecotourism–A Case Study of Sun Link Sea in Taiwan,The Asian Conference on Society, Education & Technology 2015. (P.21). Kobe, Japan. (10/22)
Li-Shu Lu. (2015, July). A Study on Employing Interactive Technology in the Exhibition Design of the Culture of Glove Puppetry in Taiwan, International Academic Conference on Social Sciences and Management. Okinawa, Japan. (07/30)
Yi-Jung Li, Li-Shu Lu. (2015/April). Research on Experiential Interactive Scenario Model of The Active Aging Group’ Ecotourism, 11th European Academy of Design Conference / The Value of Design Research. (pp.4238-4249) France : Boulogne Billancourt.。(04/22)
Chiao-Yun Chen, Li-Shu Lu. (2015/April). An Analysis on the Differences in Visitor Behaviors between Traditional and Digital Exhibitions – Taking Kaohsiung Museum of Shadow Puppet for Example,The Sixth Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities 2015 ACAH2015.(pp.213-230). Japan: Sapporo. (04/03)
Li-Shu Lu, Yu-Fan Ho, Wen-Shan Chang, Jui Sung Huang, Chang-Franw Lee. (2014, July). Interactive scenario design on ecotourism for active ageing. The 3rd International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences (ISBSS 2014). Japan: Sapporo. (07/23)
Chang, W. -S, Chen, C. -Y., Lu, L. -S., Yu, M. -H, Huang, J. -S., Lee, C. -F. & Hsieh, C. -W. (2014, July). A study of the augmented reality design for active ageing on ecotourism. The 3rd International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences (ISBSS 2014). Japan: Sapporo. (07/23)
Chang, W. -S, Yu, M. -H, Chen, C. -Y., Lu, L. -S., Huang, J. -S., & Lee, C. -F. (2014, July). A study of the user interface design principles using interactive sensing technology for active ageing on ecotourism. The 3rd International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences (ISBSS 2014). Japan: Sapporo. (07/23)
Yu-Fan Ho, Li-Shu Lu. (2014, June). The study on the behavioral analysis of the active aging groups’ ecotourism travel experience,The 9th World Conference of Gerontechnology (ISG 2014), Taipei. (06/19)
Yu, M. -H. Chang, W. -S., & Lu, L. -S. (2014, June). The demand for ecotourism based on age group with the changes of social structure for age groups and the importance of tourism. The 9th World Conference of Gerontechnology (ISG 2014), Taipei. (06/19)
Huang, J -S., Chang, W. -S., Lu, L. -S, Lee, C. -F., & Wang, Y. -T. (2014, March). The study of interactive environment design on ecotourism for active ageing: An interpretive trail design. The Fourth Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences 2014 (ACP). Japan: Osaka. (03/23)
Shi-Liang Chang, Li-Shu Lu, Wen-Shan Chang. (2013, Agust). A Study on Usability Evaluation for Interactive Display of Large Projection in Commercial Space,5th IASDR 2013 TOKYO. (pp.4238-4249). Japan: Tokyo. (08/28)
Chia-Li-Lin, Li-Shu Lu. (2013, Agust). Soundscape Design-A Case study of soundscape in Huwei, Taiwan,5th IASDR 2013 TOKYO,(pp.4226-4237). Japan: Tokyo. (08/28)
Li-Shu Lu, Shing-Sheng Guan. (2011/10/18). A Study on Curriculum Structure and Industry Requirement of Design Eduction in Taiwan,International Association of Societies of Design Research. 3rd International Conference on New Trends in Education and their Implications ICONTE 2012.(投稿全文複寫於光碟)。
Yu-Chiao Lee, Li-Shu Lu,( 2010/07/08). Resonance rather than Solo: Shaping a regional Image with soundscape, Design & Complexity: Design Research Society International Conference. (P76). Canada.
Li-Shu Lu, Shing-Sheng Guan, Wen-shan Chang, (2009/10/18). A Study of Creative Work Performance Difference between Case-Based Instruction and Didactic Instruction, International Association of Societies of Design Research.
Li-Shu Lu, Shing-Sheng Guan, Wen-shan Chang,2008/10/06,A Study on the Design Thinking and Drawing of the Concept Development,6th Conference on Design & Emotion, p-52。