Automation System, Inc. North Providence, Rhode Island, USA Technical Support Department Computer Technical Consultant(1990/11~1992/11)
Liang, C., Lin, C.-T., Yao, S.-N.,Chang, W.-S., Liu, Y.-C., & Chen, S.-A. (2017). Visual Attention and Association: An Electroencephalography Study in Expert Designers. Design Studies, 48, 76-95. DOI: 10.1016/j.destud.2016.11.002. (SCI, 2015 IF = 2.070, 15/85, 17.65%, 5-year = 2.652, 12/85, 14.12%, Engineering Multidisciplinary), 2017.1
Liao, K.-H., Liang, C.-T., Chang, W.-S., & Liang, C. (2017). Marketing Imagination: A Qualitative Inquiry. Journal of Genius and Eminence, 2(1), 45-57. DOI: 10.18536/jge.2017.
Liang, C.,Chang, W.-S., Yao, S.-N., King, J.-T., & Chen, S.-A. (2016). Stimulating the Imaginative Capacities of Agricultural Extension Students. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 22(4) DOI: 10.1080/1389224X.2015.1133434
Chang, W.-S., & Liang, C.-T. (2016). Understanding the Role of Self-efficacy on the Entrepreneurial Intention of ICT Students. Journal of Information Communication, 6(2), 97-114. DOI: 6144/JIC.2016.0602.05
Chang, W.-S.,& Liang, C. (2015). Exploring Potential Entrants’ Perceptions of the Performance of an Agrirural Social Enterprise in Taiwan. International Journal of Management and Sustainability, 4(10), 205-217. E-ISSN: 2306-0662, P-ISSN: 2306-9856.
Lin, J.-S.,Chang, W.-S., & Liang, C. (2015). The Imagination Constructs with Science Students: Interplay among Social Climate, Intrinsic Motivation, and Personality Traits. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 34(4), 340-359. DOI: 10.1177/0276236615572589.
Lin, J.-S.,Liang, C.-T., Chang, W.-S., & Liang, C. (2015). Relation Between Personality Traits and Imaginative Capability of Engineering Students. International Journal of Engineering Education 01/2015; 31(1A):23-36.0.58 Impact Factor.
Chang, W.-S. (2015). Do Diverse Personality Traits Interact to Predict the Imaginative Capability of Design Majors? The Journal of Information Society, 5(2), 87-102. DOI:6144/JIC.2015.0502.05
Hsu, H.-Y., Chang, W.-S. (2019, May). A Study of Consumers Purchasing Factors through Facebook Online Live Streaming: Taking Sales of Clothing for Example. The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2019 (ACSS 2019). Tokyo, Japan.
Hsu, W.-H., Chang, W.-S. (2019, May). A Study on the Purchase Factors of Mobile Game Loot Box - Taking Tower of Saviors as an Example. The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2019 (ACSS 2019). Tokyo, Japan.
Chiu,Y.-Y., Chang, W.-S. (2018, March). A Study on Creative Thinking of Bionic Toy by the Double Diamond Methodology. International Conference on Business and Social Science (ICBASS 2018), Kyoto, Japan.
Chan, L.-W., Chang, W.-S. (2018, November). Study on the Trailer Editing Techniques of Movies Taking Science Fiction Movie for Example. 2018 International Conference for ADADA + CUMULUS. 16th International Conference for Asia Digital Art and Design. Tainan, Taiwan.
Su, P.-H., Chang, W. -S. (2017). School Lunch Supply Process from the Perspective of Service Design: A Case Study of Elementary School Program in Taiwan. The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2017 (ACSS 2017). Kobe, Japan.
Chiu, W.-Y., Chang, W.-S. (2017). A Study of Comfort Elements Combine with Local Mascot: The Case of Yunlin Townships. The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2017 (ACSS 2017). Kobe, Japan.
Hsu, C.-J., Chang, W.-S. (2017). The Research of Instructional Objectives of Science Education in Taiwan: An Experience of Biology Teaching in Junior High School. The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2017 (ACSS 2017). Kobe, Japan.
Cohu, C.-W., Chang, W.-S. (2017). The Research of Taiwan Virtual Idol Design Factor Analysis. The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2017 (ACSS 2017). Kobe, Japan.
Chen, Y.-T., Chang, W.-S., & Kuo, A. E. (2016, April). A Smart Guiding Tours of Eco-tourism for Taiwan’s Fairy Pitta: The Service Design Viewpoint. The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2016 (ACEID 2016), Kobe, Japan.
Kuo, A., Chang, W.-S., & Chen, Y.-T. (2016, February). A Study of Introducing Service Blue Print into Designing Smart Signs for Ecotourism Experience – A Case Study of Fairy Pitta Tourist Experience in Huben Area. International Symposium on Social Sciences and Management (ISSSM 2016), Fukuoka, Japan.
Chang, W.-S., & Liang, C. (2015, November). How can Student Imagination Stimulate by Pictorial Representations? Taiwan Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 2015 International Conference (TAECT 2015), Taipei. 201-203.
Chang, W.-S., Lu, L.-S., & Huang, J.-S. (2015, July). A study of the Mobile Cloud Computing Design for Active Ageing on Ecotourism. International Academic Conference on Social Sciences and Management (2015 IACSSM), July 29-31, Okinawa, Japan.
Chang, W.-S, Chen, C.-Y., Lu, L.-S., Yu, M.-H, Huang, J.-S., Lee, C.-F. & Hsieh, C.-W. (2014, July). A Study of the Augmented Reality Design for Active Ageing on Ecotourism. The 3rdInternational Symposium on Business and Social Sciences (ISBSS 2014). Sapporo, Japan.
Chang, W.-S, Yu, M.-H, Chen, C.-Y., Lu, L.-S., Huang, J.-S., & Lee, C.-F. (2014, July). A Study of the User Interface Design Principles Using Interactive Sensing Technology for Active Ageing on Ecotourism. The 3rdInternational Symposium on Business and Social Sciences (ISBSS 2014). Sapporo, Japan.
Lu, L.-S., Ho, Y.-F., Chang, W.-S., Hung, J.-S., & Lee, C.-F. (2014, July).Interactive Scenario Design on Ecotourism for Active Ageing. The 3rd International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences (ISBSS 2014). Sapporo,
Yu, M.-H. Chang, W.-S., & Lu, L.-S. (2014, June). The Demand for Ecotourism based on Age Group with the Changes of Social Structure for Age Groups and the Importance of Tourism. ISG 2014 World Conference, Taipei.
Huang, J.-S., Chang, W.-S., Lu, L.-S, Lee, C.-F., & Wang, Y.-T. (2014, March). The Study of Interactive Environment Design on Ecotourism for Active Ageing: An Interpretive Trail Design. The Fourth Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences 2014 (ACP). Osaka, Japan.
Chang, S.-L., Lu, L.-S., & Chang, W.-S. (2013). A Study on Usability Evaluation for Interactive Display of Large Projection in Commercial Space. 5th IASDR 2013 Tokyo, Japan. 4238-4249。
Chen, Y.-T., Chang, W.-S., & Kuo, A. E. (2016, April). A Smart Guiding Tours of Eco-tourism for Taiwan’s Fairy Pitta: The Service Design Viewpoint. The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2016 (ACEID 2016), Kobe, Japan.
Kuo, A., Chang, W.-S., & Chen, Y.-T. (2016, February). A Study of Introducing Service Blue Print into Designing Smart Signs for Ecotourism Experience – A Case Study of Fairy Pitta Tourist Experience in Huben Area. International Symposium on Social Sciences and Management (ISSSM 2016), Fukuoka, Japan.
Chang, W.-S., & Liang, C. (2015, November). How can Student Imagination Stimulate by Pictorial Representations? Taiwan Association for Educational Communications and technology, 2015 International Conference (TAECT 2015), Taipei. 201-203.
Chang, W.-S., Lu, L.-S., & Huang, J.-S. (2015, July). A study of the mobile cloud computing design for active ageing on ecotourism. International Academic Conference on Social Sciences and Management (2015 IACSSM), July 29-31, Okinawa, Japan.
Chang, W.-S, Chen, C.-Y., Lu, L.-S., Yu, M.-H, Huang, J.-S., Lee, C.-F. & Hsieh, C.-W. (2014, July). A study of the augmented reality design for active ageing on ecotourism. The 3rdInternational Symposium on Business and Social Sciences (ISBSS 2014). Sapporo, Japan.
Chang, W.-S, Yu, M.-H, Chen, C.-Y., Lu, L.-S., Huang, J. -S., & Lee, C. -F. (2014, July). A study of the user interface design principles using interactive sensing technology for active ageing on ecotourism. The 3rdInternational Symposium on Business and Social Sciences (ISBSS 2014). Sapporo, Japan.
Lu, L.-S., Ho, Y.-F., Chang, W.-S., Hung, J.-S., & Lee, C.-F. (2014, July).Interactive scenario design on ecotourism for active ageing. The 3rd International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences (ISBSS 2014). Sapporo,
Yu, M.-H. Chang, W.-S., & Lu, L.-S. (2014, June). The demand for ecotourism based on age group with the changes of social structure for age groups and the importance of tourism. ISG 2014 World Conference, Taipei.
Huang, J.-S., Chang, W.-S., Lu, L.-S, Lee, C.-F., & Wang, Y.-T. (2014, March). The study of interactive environment design on ecotourism for active ageing: An interpretive trail design. The Fourth Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences 2014 (ACP). Osaka, Japan.
Chang, S.-L., Lu, L.-S., & Chang, W.-S. (2013). A Study on Usability Evaluation for Interactive Display of Large Projection in Commercial Space,5th IASDR 2013 TOKYO, 4238-4249。
Lu, L.-S., Guan, S.-S., & Chang, W.-S. (2009). A Study of Creative Work Performance Difference between Case-Based Instruction and Didactic Instruction, International Association of Societies of Design Research.
Lu, L.-S., Guan, S.-S., & Chang, W.-S. (2008.10). A Study on the Design Thinking and Drawing of the Concept Development, 6th Conference on Design & Emotion, 52, 2008.10.6.
Tu, Ming-Yi, Chang, Wenshan, & Chen, Wei-Ju. (2005.11). The Study of Outsourcing Producing Process of a Website Design Project. 2005 International Conference on Graphic Arts and Communications-Digital Media and Communication. Department of Graphic Arts and Communication, National Taiwan Normal University. Taipei. November 17-18, 2005.
Huang, J. K. & Chang, W. (2001). Design Education and Visual Communication. ICEM International Conference and Media Week – E-Learning and Educational Innovations. ICEM – International Council for Educational Media. 32. Taipei, 2001.10.27.
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